Compiled C++ Classes are not in Content Browser

Hi all,

I have a really hard time trying to compile C++ Classes with Visual Studio (VS). Whenever I compile a class it is not shown in Content Browser of Unreal Engine (UE). It is shown if I use the debug mode of VS though. I tried for a few hours to finally find a working solution for this (sort of). Whenever I add a new Class I close UE and VS and delete all cached files and compiled bin. After that I remake a VS Solution file for the UE Project. After that I can compile it and it works as expected. Is there any easier way to do this? I can not imagine doing this 5-6 times a day when I really start to make a game. Also with the need of closing UE while compiling (because of live coding issues) the whole dev experience feels really sluggish :frowning: . I don’t want to use another IDE if possible, because I’m very used to it.

So far I tried a lot of that what was recommendet in anwsers from other devs questions on the course and in Epic Dev forums. However that workaround was the only thing that did work. I tried:

  • Refresh VS Project whenever I create a new File
  • Leave UE open
  • Did not leave UE open
  • Switched different Build Tasks in VS (although the documentation says you should use Development Editor)

I have a bit of a feeling VS places the compiled files in the wrong folder but so far couldn’t prove it! I do not get any errors while compiling and Intellisense works as expected.

I follow the Unreal Engine 5 C++ Developer: Learn C++ & Make Video Games course.
I use VS 2022 Community Edition and UE5.2 (latest patch on both). I also have the VS integration tools installed as recommended by both Microsoft and Epic Games.

What did you switch it to? That is very likely the reason why it’s not showing up in Unreal.

Also please note there is a difference between what the VS Editor says is an error and actually compiling. IntelliSense which is used to give the editor error squiggles is powered by a completely different compiler.

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I switched it to Development Editor. Did I misinterpret this? I used the info from Epic’s doc Compiling Game Projects in Unreal Engine Using C++ | Unreal Engine 5.2 Documentation

I interpreted this

although the documentation says you should use Development Editor

as “I switched from Development Editor” which is going to mean you compile the wrong config. This is supported by

it is shown if I use the debug mode of VS though

Because then it would be loading the correct executable that loads the .dll you compiled and not the one that would be loaded by the executable that is launched by the ÂŁpic Games Launcher.

So to be clear, are you not getting the correct results with Development ÂŁditor?

I’m very sorry for the confusion! I checked right now if it would be working with Development Editor. I added a new C++ Class with Unreal and VS opened and it did immediatly compile. And the file is now there!

Thank you for your help! Although I’m not sure what fixed it because I had this setting right from the beginning!

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