Compile button missing & URE thinks vs code isn't installed

I can’t find the compile button, I don’t know if I some how hid it or if I did something wrong and when I have unreal engine generate a visual studio code project for bull cow game unreal engine will generate the project and it will make the BullCowGame.code-workspace file but then it pops up an error that says you need to install vs code which I have already installed. Please let me know what I am doing wrong or how to fix this.

Do you have both vs code and vs community installed? (From the first section) I made the mistake of only downloading one when switching computers, apparently you need both.

Yes I have vs code and vs community. I just switch computers and I keep running into error after error.

Are you sure installed VS Community with the following settings?

No, I didn’t select the Unreal Engine Installer. Thanks for the help. I will let you know if this works.

I have installed Unreal Engine through vs community but I am still getting the same errors as before.

Could you try closing Unreal then deleting the Binaries and Intermediate folders then re-opening it?

Sorry I haven’t replied sooner. When I delete the two folders unreal asks to rebuild the project and then I still get the same problem.

Do you have multiple versions of Visual Studio installed?

How do I check?

Check Add/Remove programs from the start menu as well as the Visual Studio Installer.

Not sure if this helps any

That is modifying an installation. To be clear, when I say “multiple versions of Visual Studio” I mean

Visual Studio 2019 + Visual Studio 2022


Visual Studio XXX Community + Visual Studio XXX Professional.

I am pretty sure I only have vs community 2021 and vs code

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