Commitment for the next 30 days

Project: Unity 3D Course
Hours/Week: 30-40 hours
State in 30 days: Obstacle Course Finished, Project Boost Finished, Argon Assault Half Way Through.

wow, thats a big time commitment, hope it goes ok for you.

think i took a couple of months to go through the first iteration of the course i done, as i was tinkering and changing things after each section was complete as i went along, just with the questions “what happens if i do this…”

mind and pace yourself and enjoy working through it, dont want you burning yourself out and it turning into a chore rather and your enjoyment being a secondary :wink:

Thanks for the encouragement! I just finished the 2D course after almost 5 months when I thought on that time I’d be done with both :sweat_smile:. Main “culprit” was precisely scope creep in Glitch Garden and Tilevania. While in the end I finished everything and loved the result, I’m cutting it short for the 3D to just 2-3 original features per game because of my personal situation, I just don’t have as much time as I wished. Nevertheless I am having lots of fun and whenever I’m starting to burn I may take a couple of days off to focus on other things.

Thanks for your message, really appreciate it!

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