Commercial use?

Hi =)
so can we use this low poly assets from course in a final game?
:point_right: :point_left:

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That’s a good question, and I believe the answer is yes, BUT you have to purchase the assets from the original creators, and you make to make sure the licensing is for commercial use.

If you ever need any assets, the unity asset store has a TON of high quality paid and free assets for your games, most of which allow you to use them with or without credit.

Just my point of view, it’s always a good idea to look at the licensing of the original asset to avoid any legal issues.

If the assets you are trying to use are created by gamedev TV, I am pretty sure they allow you to use it, but there is usually an explanation on usage and stuff when the assets are introduced.

Hopefully this can help you for now until a TA comes along.

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Just for know, thanks friend =)

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@Christopher_Powell has the right of it. Unless the assets themselves were made by GamedevTV staff (we have been trying to take advantage of our talented Blender staff in some recent courses), they require you to obtain a license for use.

Even free content from the Unity Asset Store requires you “purchase” the item (for free) to obtain the license. This grants you the right to use the product.

You are free to use and modify any code provided in any of our courses in any game you write, whether it be for personal use or commercial use.

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