[Comment] Lecture 111: Enemies Shooting Back - Part3

I want to make this absolutely clear. I did not follow the code used in the Lecture and as such I am not having any problems with the enemies and the shooting, as far as I can tell, everything is working correctly.

However, throughout this lecture their is a “real” problem with the enemies shooting, they are wiping out the enemies on the bottom row and it’s starting to bug me no end. For instance, @13.56 - apparently after fixing the of enemies wiping out other enemies and using an offset to stop wiping out the parent enemy - in the vid you see all the six enemies at the start and then 2 underneath the top row suddenly disappear. I don’t know why, but, this error should be addressed and fixed. Like I said, I have had a little bit of experience with shooting and collisions because of what I worked on with Block Breaker, so, I don’t have this problem. But others who haven’t had that experience could have problems sorting it out.


This is addressed in the next lecture where we use layers to define what objects can collide with each other :slight_smile:

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