[Comment] Enemies Shooting Back - Part 2

Because I did things a little differently as I described in a question in Lecture 110. I had no problems with the enemy shooting projectiles and destroying each other - when I saw that the ships disappeared in the Lecture I literally said โ€œWhat the hell is going on!!!โ€. Then I remembered, oh right, so, doing it my way saved myself the trouble of having to solve that problem.

Ahhh, I like it when a plan unwittingly comes together :sunglasses:.


Ahhh, I like it when a plan unwittingly comes together :sunglasses:.

Nicely done Hannibal! :wink:

Sounds like things are going well again, well done, keep going :slight_smile:

E[quote=โ€œRob, post:2, topic:18950โ€]
Nicely done Hannibal! :wink:
Hahaha. I thought I might be the only person who recognized that reference :smile:.

And Even better for me I just scored myself some bonus points for getting the enemies firing at Random times. And after running a sound effect - at the free site Ben mentioned - through ProTools it sounds cool as well.

Next up: destroy the โ€œlasersโ€ after running of the bottom of the screen and even better - killing the hero :imp:.

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