
My player keeps on going through the wall when the moveSpeed is set to 100 and only stops when the speed is set to 10. However, at 10 it moves at a snail’s pace. How do I get my character to move at a decent pace and not go through the wall? Underneath is my code and the settings on the wall.


Have you already tried to set the Collision Detection of the player’s Rigidbody component to “Continuous”?

Where do you follow the course? On Udemy or here on our website?


I changed the component to continuous and nothing changed.
I follow the course on the website.

This is advice from one of my older posts that seemed to help someone in a similar situation, once they already tried changing Detection and Interpolation settings in the rigidbody:

If you go into edit → project settings → physics, you can try raising “max depenetrationon velocity” in the physics settings.

We settled on 80 I think, when working it out for him.

See if that helps.

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Thank you so much! It is working now

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