I’m having issues with movement since the switch to OnHit in lecture 182: I’m working with high poly terrain and UE 4.16.2. I switched to simple capsule collision long ago, as suggested in the forum. I can generally move around, but for some reason my tracks’ OnHit method isn’t reliably firing. Sometimes the left tracks’ OnHit fires more often than the right tracks’, sometimes it’s reversed and sometimes neither triggers anymore. This causes the tank to get stuck or not be able to turn.
I played around with different stuff for the collision but nothing really helped. It’s driving really sluggish and buggy now since the switch to using OnHit to apply force. Does anybody have an idea how to fix this? I compared the code multiple times with the one in Git, there’s no difference so I guess this is caused by a setting or an issue of the latest Engine version.
I recorded a video with the problem: https://www.dropbox.com/s/g8i6gt0tnfkwfi9/BattleTank%20-%20Unreal%20Editor%2025.06.2017%2016_04_43.mp4?dl=0
I am logging both left and right track OnHit. As you can see, the left track OnHit get’s called way more often. At the end, only the right track is suddenly called and then I got stuck and can’t move at all.
This is making the game unplayable for me