Collision and trigger work, but not on ship

In the experiment scene I have collision code working nicely for either collide or trigger between a player cube and other cubes, but in the main scene I cannot get any Console output from the Debug statements for either collision or trigger, though I can see the ship is hitting things. On the ship parent (not the rig) I put a box collider covering the shape of ship (my ship is a collection of primitive shapes).

Does the ship have a rigidbody?
Is the script that handles the collisions on the same game object as the collider?
Is the game object on a layer that collides with the layer of the other things?
Do the other things have colliders?

Thanks. I am doing the remainder of Argon in my experiment scene with simple cubes and ground because I’m finding it difficult enough. One issue in my simple version has been player rig parenting player ship. Another is when referencing with SerializeField whether to use prefab or instance. And also I’m not getting enemy response to being hit by Particle though particlesystem is set to sendmessages. Been on this all day so I have skipped on to Realm Rush tutorial instead.

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