I am following the tutorial in scene collections. I have selected my object, selected a new collection, and named the collection but no objects appear in the new named collection. If I go into View Layers, the collections are there with the objects. Why isn’t it happening in the Scene? am I doing something wrong?
You need to add the object into the new collection. By draging the object in the right layer view panel.
or use ‘m’ hot key to move the object.
As FedPete says you made a ‘box’, a collection, you also need to put the object in the ‘box’.
There are a variety of ways, drag and drop in the outliner, or pressing M with the cursor in the 3D view will bring up the Move menu and you can select a collection destination.
Or make sure you have selected the collection before adding a new item and it will start out life in that collection.
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I tend to agree with Speshtiny here. I’m thinking it may be related to the version of Blender.
I even noticed that the lecturer also had a problem with Collections and the whole video had multiple edits right around that time.
In my case, I do have 3 collections that I set up and they do contain the things that I put into them. However, clicking on one of the collections does NOT select the objects in the selection.
Also, though the objects do show up in the collections in “View Layer Mode”, nothing shows up in any collection in “Scenes” view.
Blender behaves very oddly when using collections. The documentation on blender.org is generic and not very helpful.
As Blender evolves, so does the UI. It’s now a right-mouse click option on the collection: “Select Objects”.
Blender collection is just a way to group objects, not how Blender relates it. But how the user sees them. The moments these lessons where created, it was heavily under construction by Blender team. Now is more stable. But it’s UI is a bit different.
Collections confuse a lot of students. A collection has no real logic, besides the way a user would use it. A user could create a collection, where all objects in the collection have only 10 vertices. Or a collection where all object names start with the word ‘green’ …
Collections become handy when you are reusing objects, or scenes, from different projects. Or the group items, so you can hide them quickly. The example in the chessboard challenge is less useful and confusing.
Thanks, FedPete! I’ll try it with right click.
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