Collab 2021W07 - The Last Stand

Now if you just added the group that Gurukk, anathema of the undead, is holding back the hoard to save, who are climbing up and out on this viewer side of the chasm, it would give a context to the high wide viewpoint. A few Hobbits, a Wizard, a dwarf or two being looked back over in the foreground should do it. Hours left. :rofl:

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Still don’t have better camera angle… And sadly no hobbits* :(. But I recorded a short video:

What do you think?

'* what is interesting that couple of people that didn’t know the reference already told me that this is similar to the Mines of Moria :smiley:


Shows it off very well.

But, lol, moving pictures need animated action really. Perhaps practically as it is so good one expects it to be a film clip.

Just need to rewrite LoftR to place the new star hero into the tale and his heroic end. Or is it?

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Yes, definitely. Unreal has great tools for animation. I don’t know Blender’s tools that well, but UE4’s sequencer might be even more powerful than Blenders. Got to learn it more to be able to create some movies, not only camera fly-throughs.

Ok, final submission (:crossed_fingers:). I’ve tweaked some small things, re-baked lighting in higher quality, cranked up quality, tweaked post processing. Here is the result:

And higher quality video (4k version is still being processed by YT):


I can’t belieave you would take the “break of piontiness” into account. Some pointy things have shpeares on them.It does add more detail to the scene. Not the my point (no pun indended), but still works. Makes scene more custom.
More god rays spread over possiblely more cravicies with blue light over the bridge. experiment on that, see what comes of it. Some weaker, some more prominent… you get the idea…


I try to incorporate all the feedback I can… and at least test it out if I like it :sweat_smile:.

Now that I look at it I could probably reverse the pattern and have 2 spheres and one pointy ending… The shadows from the torches almost suggest that: image

I have to learn more about godrays. I really like the things you can achieve with them, but at least with volumetric they are quite tricky to control. This time I used static lighting (and the reset of the scene is 100% dynamic, with real time ray tracing) with huge values of scattering intensity, custome IES profile, over the top brightness and stalactites :joy: to achieve this effect. Here is the trickery shown without lighting:


Great stuff @bOBaN

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And adding back working link to video:


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