Collab 2021W07 - The Last Stand

Of course there will be an arch!
:slight_smile: I was just rough and lazy while blocking out (I’ll throw out 99% of stuff above).

:thinking: but actually it shouldn’t be needed. In most folklore, especially the tolkien-inspired ones dwarves are masters in metalsmithing and engineering :grin:. Though I want to have an arch, and railings, and torches… the whole fantasy bridge deal :sweat_smile:

btw. this is the part that I’ll most probably diverge from LoTR - I don’t want to have barely standing narrow bridge like shown in the movie… so it will most probably be “inspired by” not a “replica of” scene :slight_smile:


Amazing, and I can’t wait to see this completed. :grinning:


I’ve started from the end… added lava… I’ve tried making a shader for the new water system, but it’s quite complex so in the spirit of time saving I’ve used simple texture (that’s moving in one direction). Ok, I actually used a few to break repetition. That was idea from elemental demo to set it up like that. But I used a new water system and ‘carved’ a river in the terrain below, so it is looking more natural and not a straight line.

Here is baseline river (still with water), no lighting present:

And here’s how it looks in the scene…

as this is just a moving texture(s) I had to add some lamps down below to fake the “glowing lava” feel. There is emission there in the material, but unfortunately emission is not working as well as in blender as a light source…

What’s cool about it… it is that it is running with 60fps with real time ray tracing.

ok, now a break and on to modelling! :grin:


Ah there is going to be an animated film version of the entry now then! :smiley:


If I manage to “populate” the whole area, and not just only what’s visible from one angle :sweat_smile:

If that’s the case then at least a fly through… I might try my hand at something more cinematic, but don’t know yet how hard it will be… and maybe even a downloadable “game” that anybody* will be able to fly in.

*anybody with RTX card… but potentially I can make a version without ray tracing…

But that’s song of the uncertain future. First need to finish what I’ve planned…


… so taking a break is good :smiley:. I have a story idea. Just to remind - it started with a Balrog vs Gandalf fight and evolved slowy in “generic” battle with a deamon on a bridge above lava river in the underground dwarven ruins.

Now I have a twist!

Gurukk is not always walking int the forest… Not only is called “small handed” and “the bane of the goblins”. Now he will also attain the title “anathema of the undead”. As Spartans did at Thermopylae he will hold of a legion of undead at the bridge or die trying!

What do you think?

Edit: Not so original of a story :sweat_smile: as now I remember this:

from this trailer.

Edit2: now the composition of the final shot will be really difficult… :sweat_smile: Now I need to make full “level”, not just populate it from one camera angle to experiment with different camera shots…


Oh well if changing scenes, why not go for reality.

FrankGodley Nimy Bridge


beacuse of not being underground? :sweat_smile:

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Picky! :rofl:

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Changing scene but still keeping the theme:

(at least for now :stuck_out_tongue: :rofl:)

Was too tempted to not test it out :sweat_smile:


Use Both. Blue-ish light from nature, mixed with lava glow from the bottom. Will make a good contrast between warm and cold.


Some modular pieces for a bridge:

time is short, so will probably not sculpt details. Hopefully textures + low lighting level will hide lack of details… And will model much less than I wanted… for sure I’ll model the columns, maybe an axe for Gurukk (nothing as fancy as the FedPet’s recent axe though) and the rest I will probably need to use some assets…

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Progress update for today:

Overall shot:

Building on the right:


The other side of the bridge…

And the main action area - bridge:

I might have overdone the details :sweat_smile:


This is coming along so well, I really can’t wait to see it finished. :grinning:


Good progress! :star_struck:


@bOBaN I’m amazed by your speed of work. effords vs results.
So: Do you sleep at all?.

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Thanks for the input! Doing that! :slight_smile:

Thank you!

Thank you!

Thanks! That’s part of the cost I pay when I get excited by the progress :sweat_smile:. Yesterday I noticed way past 3am that I’m working on this instead of getting some sleep…

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keep healthy … !

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