Hi everyone
I hope that I am sharing in the right place. I doing Complete C# Unity Game Developer 2D course. and I would like to share the importance of having a repository either local repository or a GitHub repository.
Repos or repositories are such a containers or boxes that you store something in it. but when we talk about repos in the technology field the repos are containers that stores your code and it’s history.
Local Repositories:
You may wonder why would you have local repo while the actual file of the code saved in your computer. as I have mentioned repositories stores the history of our code. Imagine with me, that you are adding a new feature or functionality to your game, then you started having a lot of code going on then you faced a lot of bugs, and you tried to back to the code when were everything is working. isn’t that frustrating, and it might sometimes take few days to return back to that point, where your game was working. and you might can’t return back.
with local repos you will be able to make checkpoint such in games to return to them back whenever you want, as might something wouldn’t work or you just want to return back. For example, you have made 3 checkpoints 1, 2, and 3. and when you were working some issues raise up then you can in few seconds return back to checkpoint 2 and have everything working.
GitHub Repositories:
GitHub repos are the same but the difference that you have backed up your code in the cloud, so, it could be accessible from anywhere. Also, you can collaborate with other to share you code or even work in one project and merge the code.
also, a great thing that repos has is that you can work on a feature without making changes to the main work. Let me demonstrate, you have your game 100% working and you wanted to develop a new AI system or adding a feature but without missing out with the game which might result that your game might not work. So, you can make a branch! what is the branch? from the word branch itself, you make a separated environment where you can code your new AI or feature without touching your core game code. in a result of that your game remain working for your audience if you have launched it, while bringing up a new feature.
In Conclusion:
The process of doing that called Version Control. You don’t have to be tech guru to learn how to make repos, it is not a rocket science. It is a good thing to use repos either local in your machine or in the cloud. and the important thing is practicing and get use to use repos. I might not have covered everything about the repositories. and pardon me if I had any grammar mistakes or did not elaborate in easy way to understand easily. and for my lengthy Topic.
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