Code Recognition and questions

I recognize in the header file:

  1. The ActorComponent beeing included as PositionReporter is a class added to an actor.
  2. Inheritance in the class declaration; UPositionReporter inherits UActorComponent
  3. In the public scope is the Constructor of the class.
  4. The scope for the method BeginPlay() is protected which is accesible in the class that defines them and in classes that inherit from that class, also this is a virtual method that is overriding its own definition in its base class.
  5. TickComponent is a public method that takes three parameters and also is a virtual method that overrides its own definition in its base class.

Deeper into it in the cpp file:

  1. The constructor calls
    PrimaryComponentTick.bCanEverTick = true;
    which sets the class to update with every frame or in this case, give out the position of the chair each frame.
  2. in the BeginPlay method of UPositionReporter there is a call to
    which means it is calling a method in the parent of the actual class, in this case BeginPlay which explains itself.
  3. TickComponent method is a bit unclear to me as to what it actually does, to stick with the “recognition” which is the objective of this post i can say it takes three parameters and uses them to call a TickComponent method inside the parent of the class.

Adding up to this i recognized the ‘U’ letter beeing inserted at the start of the name of the class, which arise a couple of questions, can this be removed? is this mandatory?.

Im from Venezuela so if any of this was unclear perhaps i couldnt make myself understood.
If im wrong please let me know.

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