Code practices

I’m having trouble understanding the reasoning for the code practices used in the videos. For example in this particular section we see code like

/// Look for attached Physics Handle
PhysicsHandle = GetOwner()->FindComponentByClass<UPhysicsHandleComponent>();
if (PhysicsHandle)
	// Physics handle is found
	UE_LOG(LogTemp, Error, TEXT("%s missing physics handle component"), *GetOwner()->GetName())

When something like

/// Look for attached Physics Handle
PhysicsHandle = GetOwner()->FindComponentByClass<UPhysicsHandleComponent>();
if (!PhysicsHandle)
	UE_LOG(LogTemp, Error, TEXT("%s missing physics handle component"), *GetOwner()->GetName())

Would do the job just as well but much neater. Is there a reason you prefer to write the entire if/else block rather than testing for the pointer to actually be null?

I believe he might be planning to fill the if part with some code in some later lecture.

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