Code clarity - use of IsPlayerControlled() to check if the player has died

Hi! I wasn’t entirely convinced with the code clarity in the PawnKilled function where a cast is used to check if the pawn that was killed (passed in) was the player.

There is a built-in Pawn function called IsPlayerControlled() which seems to me like a decent way to check if the pawn that died was the player, as long as it’s called before DetachFromControllerPendingDestroy(). Is this technique fine to use?

My PawnKilled function implementation:

void AKillEmAllGameMode::PawnKilled(APawn* PawnKilled)

	UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Pawn Killed!"));

	if (PawnKilled->IsPlayerControlled())
		APlayerController* PlayerController = Cast<APlayerController>(PawnKilled->GetController());
		if (PlayerController != nullptr)
			PlayerController->GameHasEnded(nullptr, false);
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That should be fine.

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