Code by Kevin

#include "pch.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

int main() {

    constexpr int WORD_LENGTH = 9;
    string guess;

    // Introduce the game
    cout << "Welcome to Bulls and Cows, a fun word game." << endl;
    cout << "Can you guess the " << WORD_LENGTH;
    cout << " letter isogram I'm thinking of?" << endl << endl;

    // Get a guess from the player.
    cout << "Please input a valid integer number: ";
    getline(cin, guess);

    // Repeat the guess back to them.
    cout << "You typed in: ";
    cout << guess << endl;

    return 0;

Looks good Kevin, but I do have one question. Your previous cout statements explain that this is a word game, and ask your player to guess an isogram word, but your initial prompt asks for a “valid integer number”?

I am confuzzled, lol.

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Hello @Aarondhp28,

honestly, no doubt - this is very confusing. :rofl:

To be more clear, just ignore the content. With this code I only want to demonstrate how to get input from a user and then output it.

Kind regards

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