Code::Blocks vs Visual Studio when working with Unreal

Is there a problem with using Code::Blocks as an IDE instead of Visual Studio? I’ve worked with C::B before and it runs better on my computer. VS is slow for me.

I run on a cheap PC Laptop, 6GB ram, Intel HD Graphics 3000. i3 processor. Not the best, will be upgrading soon.

I have no issues using VS for this course, as it’s what the Instructors instruct with, but would C::B cause issues working with Unreal, once I have completed this course?

For Unreal itself it should not matter because it’s better to use Unreal’s build system even if you use VS. From there on is a question of how good CB as a C++ IDE.

You don’t even need to use an IDE, a text editor like word pad and a command line it’s the only requirement.

The IDE just makes life a lot easier.

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Thank you! That is what I assumed. Just wanted to verify. Have a good day.

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