Clouds Are Not Forming

I guess there are no clouds today?

I used the same graphic. Not seeing the clouds anywhere.

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I think you need to use the HDRI maps included with that setup. Unless you have set a plane with that sky texture. So I think it will work if you change your texture to one of the HDRI images named angmapXXX.

You can also see the sky in the 3d view in rendered mode if itโ€™s working correctly. Hope this helps!

Cheers, Jax

I will try playing with it. I used the graphic that came with the assets that I downloaded, and according to the tutorial the same graphic that he used.

Just with Box:

With Rabbit, same graphic and same settings.

I am not that far yet in the section but I am pretty confident that if you want to have a proper setup with environment texture, you need to use HDRI -image and those flat textures are not correct ones for that. You could get some clouds to the render but if you rotate your camera you will see that there some serious distortion going on where the world โ€œsphereโ€ poles are supposed to be.

Cheers, Jax

I got help through Discord. I was in Orthographic View when I hit the F12 to render the scene. I changed back to Perspective and hit F12 to see the clouds. Thanks.

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