Clothing question

I Can’t remember if I asked this or not but to save on topology I was going to delete the legs and just have the pants showing, however if I do that before I start my retopo can I still show the player being cut and bleeding through vfx? I apologize if I have already asked this, I’m juggling a few projects all at once.


Always keep copies of your work!

And, I can’t answer your question. Maybe, just try and find out by yourself.

I made a separate retopo file, and I understand, vfx isn’t part of this class, I didn’t know if someone in the course or on here would know the answer or not, thank you anyways.

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The previous (old version) of the general Blender course, based on Blender 2.7.9 (before the UI change).
Had many specific chapters. The last one was VFX, explosions, camera mapping to the video input, etc. I liked that very much (yes, I’m an old student). Current courses are smaller and focused on short-term progress. Less on all specific features of Blender.

I believe the old version is still accessible, but I don’t know how how to access them.

Maybe search for VFX Blender on youtube?

Good luck with your nice and detailed project. Let us know how your doing.

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One of the lectures in the complete blender 2.8 course has the instructions on how to access the old 2.7 one. Section 8 lesson 211.

VFX course very early days

There is a new VFX course being made, or tried, (not a fan of the presentation currently).

Yes going beyond the course really. Logically the character would bleed through the trousers or garments. Any damage to them needing modelling and swapping in, so could have the area of base mesh showing as part of that. Save all versions! Pull out bits to reuse when needed.

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