Clothing and Armour, Pre-re-topology. (Orcs)


Sumo orc (This dude kinda looks like me… just with a stronger jaw-line… may make him my profile when I’m done :rofl:):

Bodybuilder orc:

Trying to stick to over-painting still so hoping to stay true to the reference material… so not very imaginative, I know. :man_shrugging:


Woah there is so much detail!

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Glad you think so! Took a while to get here… :sweat_smile:

I actually couldn’t even get close to the vert-count Grant had… My PC just didn’t want to hear about it…:cry:

Each model is around half a million verts (Compared to the lecture’s ~ 2 million), so it only really looks detailed from this distance.

I found that the crease brush with dyntopo turned off gave the best illusion of detail at this point, but you have to use it “lightly”. :man_scientist:

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