Cloth and Armour Ogre

Here’s my little Ogre :slight_smile:
I’m having a lot of fun sculpting and discovering new techniques even if I still don’t have a few things clear:
After sculpting the metal parts with the new “Multiresolution” modifier I noticed that I have much more detail on them than on the Ogre’s skin/body, is it a resolution issue? How can I bring the body to the same level of detail?
Thank you!


Later in the course, you will map the high poly model details onto the low poly model.
With that process, you have a model ready for animation and or gaming.
Why? The low poly can render faster because of fewer faces to calculate with.
The high poly details are mapped using bitmaps on the low poly.

If you forget to create a low poly version, it’s not a problem. The high poly model data can still be mapped onto a less detailed one! You still good to go, but less render efficient.

You can rebuild the parts in the multi-res, starting at a lower version. But you lose the details and need to redo them. It also depends if the arm and wristband are mesh-connected.
My advice is to leave it as is. Or make a backup copy and start experimenting and learning …

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Hello @FedPete, thanks for your tips, in fact I was forgetting that these models should possibly be inserted in animations and video games and it is fantastic that they are explained in this course. Now I’m tackling retopology by hand and I understand how important and sometimes frustrating this topic is!


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