Cloning 6_Zombie_Runner Issue/Fixes

Hello everyone!

Just wanted to leave this message here for anyone else who may be following this course and chose to clone “6_Zombie_Runner” like I did or maybe a different repo with similar issues. Upon completing the cloning process, I updated the Unity project to Unity 2020.1.17f1 and was greeted by a few compiler errors that I was eventually able to resolve.

  • Issue 1: ‘Snapping’ is an ambiguous reference between…

  • Solution 1: Simply update ProBuilder in Unity’s package manager (Window->Package Manager->In Project->ProBuilder->Update)

  • Issue 2: GUIText is obsolete

  • Solution 2: Add "using UnityEngine.UI at the top and change the “GUIText” variables to be of type “Image” instead. This will lead you into issue #3

  • Issue 3: ‘Image’ does not contain a definition for ‘text’ and no accessible extention method ‘text’ accepting a first argument of type ‘Image’ could be found

  • Solution: Navigate to “SimpleActivatiorMenu.cs” and find camSwitchButton.text (line 22 and 36) and change camSwitchButton.text to

With these issues solved you’ll still see some warnings but they will not stop you from at least running the Unity project. I haven’t not found a solution to those yet but maybe someone else here will! Hope this was somewhat useful to somebody!

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