Cinematic doesnt want to play at start

Hello everybody,

My sequence doesnt want to play at the start of the game.
As the course i made the branch to begin play of the level :

And got my sequence here on a rail rig camera :

And it does not launch the cinematic :

Do i need to make something else to make it works ?

The CreateLevelSequencePlayer node can be a little misleading, the Out Actor pin is actually a reference to the LevelSequenceActor that gets generated to play your sequence. What you want is to connect the Return Value pin to the Play node.

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Hello and thank you for the answer.
I tried to do it, but bnfortunatly i got the same result.

I think the problem come from the Rig rail, i make the path with a normal cine camera and it works normally. If somebody got an explaination about this i would be happy, cause it could be helpfull for the futur when i’ll use rig rail.

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