Cinemachine erratic behavior on "Maximize on Play"

Hi there,

It’s all working great and as expected when hitting play.
However, when hitting play and having the “Maximize on Play” makes the camera behavior (I assume, the Cinemachine) all over the place, literally.

As I move, jump, etc., the camera does it’s own thing and never centers/follows the target (character).

Any insights on this?

Much appreciated.

Hi Martin,

Are there any error messages in your Console? Which version of Unity do you use?

Hi Nina,

No console error messages. Version is 202.3.12f1 .

Seems to me is an issue with velocities: problem is exacerbated when running and falling from high altitudes. I tested starting the game with the character way up off screen.

The result is the camera keeps moving for some time, leaving the character off-screen, and then coming to a halt. I can only re-center the camera if I run the opposite way, or jump multiple times.

Maybe you could update Unity to the latest stable version. Then go to Window > Package Manager and install the latest stable Cinemachine package.

If the issue persists, please share screenshots of what you did and have in your scene. At the moment, I neither know how your scene looks like nor what settings your cinemachine components have.

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Reinstalled and now it works fine.
Amazed at how many times reinstalling seems to be a fix for everything.
Thanks for the help!

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