Cinemachine camera shakes in scene tab, but not in game tab?

Hello! I am currently working on the lecture titled “Screen Shake” in the 2d rpg course. After completing the tutorial, I can see my cinemachine camera shaking while looking at the scene view, however the effect does not appear in the game view. As done in the tutorial, I have:

-I have created a screen shake manager,
-Attached the script you see below to it
-Created a cinemachine impulse source component to it with a noise settings scriptable object assigned to the Raw Signal field
-Added an impulse listener to my state driven camera.

When adding the impulse listener, the only available component was the one you can see below named “Independent Impulse Listener”. I am using Unity 2022.3.1 which could be the reason for the slight name difference. To reiterate, I can see the camera shaking in the scene tab, but not in the game tab. I’m sure I am overlooking something simple here, so any tips would be appreciated! Thank you!



Currently having the exact same problem. I’ll let you know if I figure it out. Were you ever able to get it done?

Edit: Solved it. See below.

Okay I found the solution:

Underneath the Virual Camera Children in your State-Driven Camera there should be an area that says Extensions. Click the dropdown that says “(select)” and you’ll get the menu above. There you’ll find the CinemachineImpulseListener and you can add it. It’ll work.

Hope this helps!

Note: This IS what he does in the video, but it’s easy to miss since we keep adding components. He is in fact adding an Extension instead this time.

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