Church with work on stone and HDRI environment texture

I am working on my stonework and converting my original flat textures to 3D modeled bricks. This is taking a lot more time than I expected.Question for anyone who sees this. Which brick work looks best? The lighter colored bricks are flat with texture painting to fill in the cracks and crevices. The darker colored bricks are made by raising the outer surfaces of the bricks leaving crevices between the bricks and than the bricks are turned and twisted a bit to and depth to them.


That looks absolutely incredible.

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I like the lighter brick work but they all look good. I think it is a matter of taste.

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I think the back wall bricks have too much black mortar (spacing), too much detail.
While the pillars are clean bricks (columns), the back wall isn’t. There is a difference in style (mood) I think.

Other comment, the window is too small, then you get a dark background. Old churches do have high windows to let more light in the room. It’s functional design.

And everything is a lot of work … :grinning: in blender.
Always improving yourself, getting to the next level of excellence.

I have seen a lot of work and comments from you in these forums. I see your progress and work.
Keep on going!


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