Church plan and block out

I started a Gothic cathedral asset pack during the bowling part of the course and almost creeped out when the subject of this one is exactly that :smiley: well I already had a head start but realized I’d been making models that we not able to be tiled and had to start over, oh well to be honest blocking this out made me realize how many pieces were missing from my list, small things like corner pieces with windows and double wide doors for the main entrance. Great advice so far.

So weirdly nostalgic to do this as I went to a primary school with such a memorable church layout and my local church also looks spooky af so I wanted to do a mix of those two.

I’m going to build it up one level at a time figuring out what I need and adding it as I go, keeping to the same scale.

I do wonder if offending religious groups is a problem when I’m mixing two protestant village churches and gothic cathedral architecture, maybe something to consider is researching the space when building symbolic buildings for aesthetics. I’ll probably make it look good first then worry about that considering it might never see the light of day


Sounds the ideal section for you! Great to have a plan sorted out.

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