Chose your own path text game attempt

This is the link to my Text101 game on from the Unity 2D course. It’s very short but I am quite happy with the result. I may update and expand it in the future but for now I think it will do.

The intro screen says you can press q to quit but we haven’t covered that yet so it doesn’t work :slight_smile:

Any criticism good or bad is welcome as long as it is constructive :slight_smile:


Congrats on your game :partying_face:


I can’t comment on the story because there doesn’t appear to be one. Unless I’m missing something, you’re just choosing how you die at the very beginning.

I do like the layout and color scheme, but there could be more contrast between the text and background.

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Thank you @Kevin-Brandon

Thanks for your feedback @David_Gibbs. Your comments are very much appreciated. I will try to pay more attention to contrast and readability of text in the future.

Apologies for the length of the following attempt to explain my thought process with the ‘story’.

On your point about there not actually being a story, I must admit that I completely agree with you. I actually had grand ideas about paths that could be taken, including one where you end up genetically mutated by the virus but manage to escape with unnatural powers to use for good or bad. Another where you succumb to the virus but are ‘reborn’ as a drone created by the virus and can start hunting the survivors throughout the building and one where you are able to get out unscathed but may now be a carrier of the virus or the virus got out with you.

I wanted a dark theme to it, although I tried to inject some comedy - quite possibly only funny to me though :grinning:. Every outcome, even a win was always going to be a double edged sword as something like this can never really be fully contained.

When it came to actually fleshing the story out though, I realised that it would be a massive undertaking, possibly months of work which I am not ready for right now - mostly because I am really eager to get cracking with the next section of the course.

My solution was to go for a worse case scenario approach that there is no way out of the situation. I realise now that was not the most inspired decision I have ever made and makes for an incredibly uninteresting experience for the player. I have gone from too much story for me to be able to handle to none at all.

I really need to figure out how to set my own expectations for these projects and find some kind of middle ground where I can be happy with what I have created without going overboard or cutting things back so much that there is not really any content beyond a pretty interface. I would like to thank you for pointing this out to me.

I hope that the game does at least show that I have understood the mechanics of the lecture and it technically does work, even though there is no real content in there beyond, as you said, picking the way you die at the start.

Thank you again. I really appreciate you taking the time to have a look at the game and provide your valuable feedback.

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Hey, Jim. Believe me, I completely understand the need to find balance between following inspiration and keeping things moving along, because I’m so lousy at it. My own CYOQ project was purely a tech demo with not a word of story. I think it’s fine to go that way, my issue was that the initial post didn’t make it clear enough that the story was incomplete.

Since you’ve provided more detail on what you intend for the story, I’ll offer some feedback on that. I liked the dark comedy aspects; I thought the “enjoy some coffee and wait to be rescued” death was pretty amusing. I think it would make for a more entertaining experience to play up the comedy, give it an Evil Dead 2 / Army of Darkness vibe, but that’s me.

Good luck with your next project!

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Thank you again for your valuable feedback @David_Gibbs. I am glad that you thought that the coffee death was amusing as I always worry that I am the only person in the room that thinks I am funny :grinning:

I love the idea of giving the story the Evil Dead kind of vibe - I love those movies and the comedy is one of the main aspects that keeps bringing me back to them. If I decide to return to the game at a later date, I will definitely try to incorporate this into it.

I am also very happy that it is not just me that struggles with balance between imagination and progress :slight_smile:


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