Chinese chess piece base

not sure if I’m totally satisfied with this current design and probably went a little OTT with details but feel like I captured the sort of aesthetic I was going for. Am planning on adding various engravings into the protruding circles for the corresponding unit symbols and their Chinese shorthand symbols as well as the faction symbols and names for the three faction sets.

took inspiration from these reference materials that I found online when looking up pre existing Chinese chess sets

Three kingdoms chess 2


Wow that is ambitious if they all have characters on top!


I would say, keep it simple.
Because there is much to learn here.
Do the basics, as instructed, first.
Then with more knowledge about the process, you can do more detailed work.
It’s not how to make the best chess-set, but learning Blender tools.
Like materials, grouping, mirroring, and working with vertices.
All explained in this chess set chapter.
To model, and texture object design like your references. You need another Blender tooling, not yet explained.


yeah i will try not to go to over the top at this stage, am only planning to do simple low poly designs for the pieces on top and maybe unique designs for the king and queen of each set, but certainly not to the extent of the reference material i’m using. once I have more knowledge and skills maybe i’ll come back to this project and add more details


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