Child objects instantiating at different positions

Hi, i created a particle effect with a child particle and a plane, i did a prefab and when i put it on the scene it works flawlessly but when i go to instantiate it only the parent get instantiated at the position i want and the childs get shifted in position and the particle plane for the collision get reset.
I also put a child on the monster in the position i want to use it as a sort of “pivot”
Am i doing something wrong?
This is how it should look like

One particles is for the trails
One for the blood sprouts
And the latter child is for the plane the trails are colliding with

but when i instantiate it , this is what i get

only the first particle get instantiated at the center, the other get instantiated at the top , and the collision plane get reset and is all over the place and not as i setted it

this is my code

    [SerializeField] float health = 100f;
    [SerializeField] GameObject deathVFX;
    [SerializeField] GameObject particlePosition;

  private void TriggerDeathVFX()
        if (!deathVFX) { return; }
        Instantiate(deathVFX, particlePosition.transform.position,particlePosition.transform.rotation,transform);
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I fixed this by making the collider an actual collider and not a plane, my bad

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