Very nice set, playing sideways across the board too!
As the player looks at their side the left corner should be black. Always worth a quick Google As someone will always point out errors! lol.
Wow, I just had the weirdest feeling as to why I did not yet model a chessboard in Blender. And then I remembered: aside from the infamous teapot, a chessboard was the first-ever render I did on my own computer back a few decades ago. It was rendered by PovRay. Thanks for that trip back into my past
And great result as well
The models look good and the lighting sets them off well.
I had a version, without any GUI. Just creating a text file describing objects and doing substractions (boolean). It was fun.
It’s very nice, though I have the impression that the light on the white pieces looks really harsh. What did you use for lighting?
The problem comes from the shadow; I noticed it after I had already uploaded the photos. These are the photos after I corrected the problem.
The lighting looks even better on these. Nice set. Well done.