Really enjoyed the unit. The wood textures are great.
Your coffee mug looks a bit strange, like a fold inside on top.
But maybe because you’ve used harsh light, sharp shadows?
Yes, it’s the light, I tried a spotlight out for the first time.
Sharp shadows only exist in space, where there are no air molecules to scatter the light around.
Thanks for that, I always use cycles so never really looked into shadows in detail. are there options in cycles?
It is how you choose lamp types and set their options.
For example, the sun type lamp has default settings seen here on earth.
The angle option defines the shadow size. You can see it as to how big the sun stands in the sky.
if you use an area light, how bigger the area how softer the shadow wold be.
So be aware that each type of light has different usages and behaviours.
OK, great, thanks @FedPete it was my first time trying different lighting so I’ll do more research too.