Chess Set Camera Settings


Sick chess set!

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I find this one the best of your other posts. Good lighting. Nice texture and material definitions.

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Thanks for the feedback once again, I’m trying to polish and make the most out of the chess set.

Looks great! Like @FedPete said, very nice textures. I especially like the board and how you’ve applied the wood texture.

I have two suggestions for you. 1) On the knight, it looks like you may have some non-planar faces, so the tris are showing. It may just be a stylistic choice, but I think it would fit the style of the set better if it looked like all quads. 2) I think you have some pawns stuck inside of your black queen and knight. Their heads are poking out.

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You are right about the pawns stuck inside the other pieces, good call, about the knight also right, I tried a different aproach and ended up dissolving a lot of edges and vertex, so I need to polish my modeling skills. I’m trying to redo the knight piece but haven’t been able to model something that I really like, any way thanks a lot for the feedback.

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