White, black, shades of grey rules were made to be broken.
A bit more composition.
Everything is on one line.
And the scale of things is a bit odd.
Did you scale the board?
textures can be dependent of the mesh scale if the material nodes isn’t correctly setup.
Which are the black and which the white squares? it’s not at all clear. The wood grain flow on the board seems muddled.
The cup and saucer and tankard are nice additions to the scene.
I’ll play with it some more, this was a new project since everything I did before was corrupted somehow and loaded to a blank scene , the black a white textures aren’t permanent just posting for the challenge actually plan on keeping the default plain black and white materials, but you both make valid criticisms as usual I appreciate the feedback thanks
Just follow your own heart, as a designer you are in the lead.
But small easy to fix problems, can give a boost to the scene.
Just have fun!