Chess Scene parentting and stuff

Friendly reminder for every fellow students, as now and then videos remind about applying transformations. It is good practice doing :rofl: Appending do fun thing if you have scales on your mesh.

Then there is some funky parenting marking even if things work as intended.

Also my work flow almost did little extra job now because I done pawn and bishop as width as square and scaling hit hard here. More slim model was calculated but pawn ball head did some extra work.
well lets see how this works with other pieces.


Forgetting to apply scale, it the most common error, I think.
I try to scale in edit mode. But even then it happens to me often.

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Forgetting to apply scale almost ruined my bowling alley scene. So since then I scale in Edit mode. Or if I don’t have a choice I immediately apply scale in object mode. I think it is muscle memory for me now. :rofl:
Even then I messed it up again yesterday when making an animation. :sob:. It is so annoying!!

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