Chess Piece Base

So this is my base… I tried to make it a different one than Mike has but I wanted to make sure it will work like this and it wont cause any big problems

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You’ll probably find that you will want to end up removing the circle face and the quads around it as although the inset is a nice touch when you extrude up for the pieces that will get hidden.
What i would suggest is once removing those parts is to inset ever so slightly so that when you make your pieces by extruding up you have that little divet there if you so choos eto have it.

Let mw know if this helps at all :slight_smile:

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Thank you. I removed what you said and also changed the base quite a lot and I am happy with it now. I am just not sure with things I model when they dont look like the one in the course but still I want them to look differently :smiley: Also when I fail some challenge I am very demotivated and not sure about my models even more

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