Chess Board with Wood texture

Im still not 100% satisfied with my lighting yet.


If you are using multiple lamps (3), start with the main lamp (key). Make it as bright as you can, but not full white (#ffffff) byt less (#FEFEFE). Full white leead to bleeding (because whiter then white can not exist).
Use other lights to fill in the dark spot of your model.

Don’t forget the aspect of light, like the quadratic rule. Light intensity decreases quadratics.
##, 16, 8, 4, 2 ,1 etc.
If you put a lamp close to the board, the closes chess piece gets all the light. But the other much less.
You can overcome this by placing the lamp further away for the board and increases the strength.
Then the light is more spread evenly across the board

If you are using a sun lamp, this rule doesn’t apply much because its the nature of the sun!

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Thank you for the input :+1:
I will try and fiddle around a bit more with it :smile:

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