Chess Board with Depth of Field

Ooh, I love the depth of field settings! The knight took slightly longer than the half an hour the instructor recommended, but I’m proud of how it turned out. I really wanted to get that sawtooth mane right! Fixed the wood grain on the board’s border piece and added a little groove where the corners meet. The ‘table’ is just a plane with a wood texture, and the background is an HDRI from Polyhaven.

I really like the low poly pieces a bunch of students are making too; I might go back and practice a low poly chess set at some point too. But at this point, I’m happy with my decision to go the high poly route. I think that final render is worth it!


Great chess set. Depth of filed well mastered!

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Thank you!

This is looking really good! the depth of field makes it look very artistic!

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Wow. Photorealistic and beautiful. Everything looks great. I particularly like the knight.

I really like the effect the depth of field setting. It made a big difference in my scene too.

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