Chess Board_high poly

This is final render on my chess board. I do a little story telling where I show 2 kingdoms utilizing everything they’ve got such as infantry, cavalry, elephants, horses, camels, ships and more. The map on the board shows where the fighting happened (on and off water), this was a lot of fun to do, this time I applied the tip given previously and made the map fully visible and tried my best to make the boxes contrast


Looking good, perhaps eyes for the knight?

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Thank you I will put more work on the knight. Also what do you think about my idea on texture on the boxes is there some changes that I could bring about??

The map is a good concept, I can’t currently think of a better way to use it. Somehow the black squares need to show the map through. Possibly they could be a ‘negative’ version, thinking like old school photo negatives.

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Hey thanks for that recommendation I think I will try it out. And this time I’ll try to make every single piece high poly. The knight could be a little difficult but Im’ma try it. But yeah thanks for that recommendation :smiley:

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