Checker texture - how can I fix the problem

How could I fix the texture problems?

With my own complex node trees, there is not such a problem. Today I have watched this video and tried to get some inspiration. But it doesn´t work like in the vid.

In my own workflow, I use texture coordinate and mapping. This CG artist doesn´t.

I have tried to use also texture coordinate and mapping but this also couldn´t fix the problem.

I really love this basic node tree and find it inspiring. But it seems to work only for flat surfaces like a bottom.

in comparison


The pattern looks neat and nice on a simple cube but not on cloth.

I have used my own cloth textures without problems like unwanted distortions in the drapery.

For example:

table cloth with checker texture problems.blend (7.4 MB)

Have you tried set to UV instead of Generated or Object?

In this vid the artist doesn´t use Texture coordinate and mapping.


I was wondering why, but this seems the reason:
When you add texture coordinate and mapping the texture gets unwanted results…

Maybe this technique (a checker texture follows directly another checker texture) is only for flat surfaces…

I find the technique interesting, but I will continue to build my own workflow with his complex node trees with texture coordinate and mapping for complexer shapes like cloth.

Hum… Maybe trying to apply the modifiers helps?
Ofc this will make your file slower and larger, so you may need to decimate (like i did in that file I sent you other day)

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That is a good idea and I have tried this also, but Blender crashes…

My decision is: there is a “bug” in the methode of the cg artist. And I will use his technique only for flat surfaces. My method doesn´t require applying of modifiers and I can render in a faster way.

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