Chasing up stairs lets enemy fly

In our level design we a little platform the player can walk up stairs to get to. When an enemy detects a player at the higher elevation the enemy doesn’t pathfind to the stairs instead the enemy starts walking on air up to the platform.

is there a way to make the navigationagent keep the characters on the ground? additionally can we use that mechanic to cause characters to fall from the platform rather than walk on air?

I personally haven’t gotten to this point in the course yet, however with a Characterbody (be it 2d or 3d) there is no forces acting on the charcater. so in the case of a player (or of an enemy) they don’t fall because nothing is telling it too, you would have to add the gravity (either from project settings or just pick a number that feels good to you) and have that gravity added to the charcter if IsNotOnFloor() (I think that’s the function you need to call)

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