Characters floating above the ground

Hi I’m much further into the course but I’ve just noticed my characters are floating above the ground and I know it’s something to do with the navmesh.

I’ve tried looking into this myself and tried enabling height mesh but this only reduced the amount of height but didn’t fully solve the issue.

What is causing the navmesh to be so much higher than the ground, I can see in the scene view before entering playmode that the navmesh baked height is around the ankles of the character models for both the player and enemies.

What can I do to fix this?

If you look in the NavMeshAgent’s settings, you’ll find a field right below Agent Type “Base Offset”. Adjust this so that the bottom of the NavMeshAgent’s tube widget matches the bottom of the character’s feet. You may still need to adjust as the NavMesh does sometimes bake just a hair off the ground. You’ll always have either a little float or a little poke through on sloped surfaces on when traversing stairs.

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