Character runs through geometry

I have just added a few pieces of geometry into my new scene like some ridges and a dropship. When I run it the character is able to run through them. This didn’t happen in the sandbox lessons.

I noticed that all the geometry in the sandbox had colliders - mesh or box. I tried to add mesh colliders to my geometry in my new scene, but it still didn’t work.

Any ideas on what could be wrong?

Did you make the object static? Rebake the navmesh?

I can try the static suggestion. Thanks.

I don’t know how to bake the nav mesh. Was this mentioned in the lessons?

Oh, my mistake I think. Still getting accustomed around here, we’re likely in different courses now that I see that gameKit tag laughs.

What I suggested is for a 3D project with a NavMesh. If that’s not this, just ignore me XD

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