Character Movement with Pawn Yawn looking weird

I built a 3rd person baseline and noticed that when walking around in 3rd person without


The character was spinning around, with the flag enabled it kept looking forward. However, the movement looks weird (at least). How can I improve it to make it look smoother?

Here is a clip of it


Is that just using the third person template with that checked and unchecked?

Nope, there is a few things added to this third person, it shares same skeleton only. I also added additional animations

What behaviour are you after and could you show how you set this up?


Yes, I am looking into smoother foot movement, like walking, warping, and not “sliding” over the floor.

I made some changes and recreated both BP_character and ABP_character, completely overall following the documentation from epic and using the control rig, which seems to have worked.

I followed the steps here on this link
[Animation Ecosystem for Game Development | Course](https://Anymation Ecosystem for game development)
they showed a necessary change.

But warping couldn’t get it working yet.

I was unable to get the project the other day, it said unavailable, I’ll try again later.

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