Character Creation - Mech

Here’s my attempt with the mech. I tried some camo textures that Ryan King Art on youtube demonstrated. It feels like the legs are lacking and need a texture too.
What are your thoughts?


Very nice mech. You may go with the same camo for the legs, or maybe just reduce their reflection so that they stay within the “camo” idea, but it is a fiction character for experimentation, so it is good as well :smiley:. There is plenty to experiment in the course ahead!


That’s a good-looking mech. I like the multi-missile launchers. I think the camo is great.


Looks good. You might do a plain green or brown on the legs rather than plain metal. If part is painted then the rest probably would be and it would be less visible.


Wouldn’t have spotted it :grin:

Always nice to see fresh ideas applied to the course material :+1:

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