Character Clothing Clipping in Rendered View, But Not in Viewport

Afternoon, finished the character creation course, appended the character into a different project, and the clothing is clipping in the new project file:

Anyone have any ideas?



‘shrinkwrap’ modifier?

Hello, sorry, worked it out, it was the camera’s minimum clipping distance causing the issue. just raised it a few centimetres and all worked.

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Very well solved. Not something others may have guessed, but it makes sense. There are times when things show through, or not, depending on the level of zoom I have noticed before. I guess closer up the camera works in smaller distances, so sees ‘through’ sometimes when it is not wanted.


Thank you :slight_smile: I had appended the character collection into another scene, with the character placed a bit further away from the camera. Something so simple, but so difficult to track down as a root cause!!


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