Changing Character controller to match the animations

like @Brian_Trotter once said (I swear I read that somewhere…):

KISS - Keep It Simple, Stupid :slight_smile: (I’m not saying you’re stupid btw, but generally speaking, the simpler your approach is, the better. No offence meant btw, please don’t take any!)

I also just got my farming patch to start looking like one… I still gotta prototype further

I used the Event Pool he used to explain to us something else once to decouple a ‘CraftingTable’ → ‘CraftingNotificationSchedular’ → (a new script I created) ‘PlantGrowthHandler’

Don’t worry i don’t take offense :laughing:

Yea were Im from we have always used that KISS, And sometimes its better than overally complicating stuff. This sure has been bugging me and could get it to work most of the time, but bugs out on the edge of collider and such so Ill try sorta the way you did it, Just reading the code gived me an Idea on how to adjust my implemention for a better saftey check on the state change.

mine works quite flawlessly, so yeah knock yourself out :slight_smile:

Anyway, I’m out to get dinner before I faint, take care man

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