Changes to Moving Platform not saving properly

Hi, I am going through the [Unreal Engine 5 C++ Developer: Learn C++ & Make Video Games] course and I am on Obstacle Assault lesson #62 “Return Functions”

The issue is every time I make changes to my moving platforms in the level editor, such as changing the Platform Velocity or Move Distance. I will save and finish for the day.


The next time I open Unreal and the level, all the changes I made in the level editor are gone. Even the Moving Platform variables will be missing. I re-enable live coding and only the defaults from my C++ files load into the level.


Is there a setting that I am missing that saves/persists these changes?

Note, if I move there transform these values do stay. It is any changes that I make to the Moving Platform class that do not persist.

So I will go from settings like this:


To this when I re-open Unreal the next day:


Any help or advice would be amazing. Thanks so much!

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