Changes in the Virtual Camera settings from the lesson

I am using a newer version than Rick does. It is 2021.2.7f1.

So two things I noticed is that the Screen X and Screen Y settings on the video are under Body in the Inspector. However, in this newer version they have added Aim and that is where you will find them now (which makes more sense than Body).

The second thing is that you get a warning saying that Look At needs to be set. This setting is just under the Follow setting. Setting it to Ball (the same as Follow) removes the warning. I am not sure why they both need to be set.

Hopefully that helps somebody that has a problem here when they use a newer version. Of course, it may still change between now and the LTS version.

Hello! Just wanted to chime in with another option that doesn’t use the Aim section. If you use the aim section it moves the camera around the object that you are looking at, which can be a bit weird in 2d. This becomes more obvious if you use more extreme values than Rick.

If you just want to have the camera be ahead of the target a little, I was able to go under the Body tab and change the Binding Mode to be Lock To Target No Roll and it adds a Follow Offset. Now you can adjust the X to place the camera in front of the ball. Following the ball without adding any distortion to the game.


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